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MLA formatting and grace guide. Online Cited 2007 December 10. Available from URL: . Tychinin DN, Kamnev AA. Beyond style guides: counsel for better clinical English. Acta Histochemia 2005; 107: 157 60. For pictures that can reveal doctor identity of doctor patients, signed releases of doctor affected person or in their legal representative will be enclosed. PLAGIARISMAnnals of Medical Research is extremely sensitive about plagiarism. All submissions are screened by a similarity detection application iThenticate by CrossCheck at any point during doctor peer review and/or construction manner. Even if you are doctor author of doctor phrases or sentences, doctor text aren’t have unacceptable similarity with doctor formerly posted data. When you’re discussing others’ or your own old work, please make sure that you simply cite doctor material as it should be in every instance. In doctor event of alleged or suspected analysis misconduct, e. Posted in Vitamin C, tagged Ascorbate, Ascorbic Acid, Health, Heart disorder, Linus Pauling, Nutrients, Nutrition, Protein, Vitamin C, Vitamins and Minerals on August 29, 2010|Leave a Comment OMNS, June 22, 2010 Linus Pauling was aware that reviews of doctor animal kingdom showed that the majority animals have doctor ability scientific manufacture vitamin C of their bodies. Humans cannot. Furthermore, on average, mammals make 5,400mg daily when adjusted for body weight, and make more often significantly more when under stress or ill. This is about 100 times up to doctor 50mg we get from a standard modern diet. It prompts doctor query, why do animals make so much vitamin C, what purpose does it serve in doctor bodyA small variety of animals that are known scientific share our lack of ability medical make vitamin C include doctor apes, doctor guinea pig, doctor fruit bat, and a few birds, all of that allows you to perpetually get numerous vitamin C from their food. If you deprive a guinea pig of vitamin C it soon develops a form of cardiovascular disease damage medical its arteries appearing within a few weeks.